Monday, May 30, 2011

V is for Violets...

...or lilacs.  As it were.  We were traveling Ottos this weekend, headed back to Durant to see the Otto/Bills Clan!  It was a wonderful weekend.  Russ had three cousins graduate this weekend, and we were fortunate enough to make it back for the parties!  But for Vivi, the biggest party was in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard.  Namely, their lilac bush.
Vivi became obsessed with their bush.  Every morning when she woke up she requested to go outside, and then made a beeline straight to the lilac bush to pick flowers (apologies again, Grandma and Grandpa).  She then wheedled Grandma to giving her a "vase" (plastic cup) for her booteeful flowers and "let" all of us smell them.  Repeatedly.

But lilacs are difficult to pick, and so Vivi wrangled herself some helpers.
This morning she got Grandma to "help" her pick a very large bundle of flowers.

Rest assured, we did do other things this weekend.  But the mornings were devoted to the lilacs and Vivi's vase.  She referred to the flowers as "booteeful," "reelee awesome," and "just great."  
Budding horticulturist?  Perhaps....perhaps...So great!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Yes, that's correct.  The final Carey kid just graduated from Pius.  Here he seems shocked by it.

The Pius staff, I'm sure, were both stunned and thrilled.  Six Carey kids who attended, four of whom count Pius as their alma matter.  
In stunning Carey fashion, we sent John out with a blast...from Uncle Joe's air horn.  Which can be heard for half a mile.  True story.  And best of all, we had a party to celebrate!  When we told Vivi we were going to a party for Uncle John, she got a light in her eye, and asked "Fancy party?"  When we answered to the affermative, she informed us, "Fancy party.  Vivi wear a fancy hat."  And she did.
Aunt Maria is no fool, and brought some kid toys to the adult party.  Here, Vivi teaches Big Bird how to sit on a ball.  She then tried to wrangle all the balls, with some help from Dad.
However, we must share.

Baby Charlie (who is seriously about two inches shorter than Viv, at 11 months), thought they were pretty cool, too.

They seemed to wear Eva out.

It was a great, truly fun family day....that Vivi capped off by attempting to drink from a bottle and spilling it all over her fancy dress.  Which she found quite hilarious.
Congratulations, Uncle John!  We are so very proud of you and all your amazing accomplishments!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

C is for Cookie...

...and he's definitely good enough for Vivi.  

Awhile back, Vivi had an ear infection.  Russ took her to the doctor, and then to get her prescription filled.  While at Walgreens, Vivi wheedled him into purchasing Cookie, who is now second only to Jack-Dog in the buddy status here at Chez Otto.  Russ and I were thrilled she landed on him and not the dreaded Elmo, whom I quite dislike.  Despite his appalling grammar, Cookie is tops in my book.

He gets treated quite well.

He feasts like a king.

And he is the star of her new favorite game, which she likes to call, "Go, Cookie, Go!"  The rules are simple.  One parent (usually Russ) grabs Cookie and the little wheeled toy she used while she was learning to walk.  Then you behave as though Cookie is doing the pushing, and fly like a bat out of hell around our first floor in a giant circle, yelling things like "See you later!" or "Oh no!"

Meanwhile, Vivi chases you all over the first floor shrieking with laughter and yelling, "GO, COOKIE, GO!"

The whole thing usually ends with a big hug...
...for Cookie.  You know.  Since he's the one putting forth all the effort.  Oh.....COOKIE, COOKIE, COOKIE STARTS WITH "C!"

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Post About Mommy and Daddy...

...kind of.  

Yesterday was Russ and I's anniversary!  It was lovely.  We had a really nice day, and one of the most awesome parts was that Russ took me to a very wonderful place called CUPCAKE ISLAND.  And let me  tell you folks, it was magical.  But, our anniversary needed to include our small one, so we brought her home a cupcake, as well.

She was most excited.

"Back off my cupcake, Dad.  I am not wanting to share this."

A lovely cupcake for a lovely lady, on a lovely day.
I love you, Russ!  Happy Anniversary!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day!

...was a week ago!  Yes, I know. I've been remiss in my blogging.  It's been a very busy week.  And I had a great day!  Russ and Vivi got me a rose bush, so I will always have beautiful pink roses on Mothers Day.  It was a very sweet thing!  Vivi was excited about all aspects of the mothers day yard work...except for taking a picture with her mother.

What, sit still?  No.  Too much to do.  Must help Daddy with everything!  She was particularly enamored with the watering can.  She "helped" Daddy water quite a bit.

She was actually very helpful when it came to placing all of the new rocks in our flower bed out front.  She really enjoyed finding the proper spot for each one.
She loves working outside with Russ, and I love watching her learn all of these different things.
No idea why this photo won't rotate.  Whatever!  Happy Mothers Day to me, and all of the other mothers out there!

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

And who won the pot on Derby Day?
Noah did!  He picked his own horse, and I am thinking Aunt Kate may be planning a trip to Vegas soon.  Or perhaps just an online poker game or two.
Congratulations, buddy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Derby Buddys

As much as Vivi was excited about all the horses on TV (and she really was!), one cannot pen a bunch of small children inside for long.  Since our party started 3 hours before the race did, we spent some time outside.  Inspired by the jockeys, Vivi did some riding of her own on her new trike (scored for $2 by Mommy at a local garage sale!).
She paused while driving to critique Noah's art...
...oh.  And to make him trade hats with her.  Luckily, this was far from Noah's first rodeo when it comes to Vivi and hats, so he was a good sport about the whole thing.

We also had our buddy Eddie over, and Vivi spent the afternoon engaging him...
...and then running away the second he paid her any attention.
Regina and I figure this means they will probably have a long future together.  I still feel this way about boys some days.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Run for the Roses...It's Derby Day, People!

Yes folks, that's correct.  Yesterday was the 137th annual Kentucky Derby Day, and the Ottos were out in full force.  I LOVE the Derby.  Big hats.  Mint Juleps.  Screaming at the top of your lungs for 2 minutes straight while everyone looks at you as though you've gone slightly mad.  But let's face's really about the hats.
 And while Vivi doesn't look incredibly thrilled to be wearing her hat in the following photo, don't be fooled.  She LOVED her hat.  She just hates taking family photos.

In fact, she loved her hat so much, she refused to take it off, even to eat lunch.

We had an absolute blast.  Derby Day is my favorite day!
More to follow!  We had buddies.  We had outdoor activities.  And a surprise winner!  More to follow...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!

I am so happy May is here!  Sure, it's a CHILLY 52 DEGREES out right now, but with the arrival of May, I feel like winter has to release it's terribly firm grasp, and we can finally stop wearing our winter coats (amiright, yall?).  Yesterday was a little nice, so we bid April a fond farewell by joining Aunt Kate and Noah for an evening romp through what turned out to be an amazing local park.

The first order of business?  Sliding, of course.

She then discovered what I refer to as "underwear swings" for the first time.  And Internet, she fell in love.
I can't blame her.  The swings always were, and always will be my favorite part of any park.
Where else can you feel like you can fly through the air?  Magic!

This park also has a 40 foot tall waterfall, and you can climb up the back side and stare out over the top.  Awesome!
Both Vivi and Noah were stunned into silence and immobility by it's majesty.
For a little bit, any way.  We then had to stop Vivi from trying to climb over the bars.  I think she would have stayed up there all day.

However, being me, I decided to try for yet another family photo.  Vivi was not thrilled about leaving the waterfall, even to check out the giant ride-on lizard.
Another Otto Family Photo Fail.  Sigh.  Oh well.  Spring is here!  There will be plenty of opportunities for a better shot!