For Vivi's second birthday, we chose to do a "Little Pink Bird" theme. And by we, I pretty much mean I. Vivi's color palate of pinks, browns and greens has included birds since before she was born, and I really wanted to have a pink bird party for her.
So we did.
I had grand plans to make Vivi's cake this year, and found these marvelous things called "Sugar Sheets," which were tastier and purportedly easier to use than fondant. After working with Sugar Sheets, I give them a thumbs up...with a qualifier. Have a pattern.
Still, with some help from Grandma Otto, the little pink bird on a branch cake turned out pretty stinking cute!
I also made cake pops. For the first time. Because, you know. When throwing a party and having house guests, the SMARTEST thing to do is to take on a tricky project you have never tried before. I wish I could say the cake pops were as easy to work with as the Sugar Sheets. Not so. Those silly things were a labor of love and a true test to my determination not to give up. I did not.
They are supposed to be strawberries, yall. Whatever, they were delicious. And I think Aunt Kate and I figured out how to modify the recipe so we can do this next time WITHOUT WANTING TO KILL SOMEONE. (next idea--cake pop jack-o-lanterns! stay tuned!)
And of course I became the scourge of Hobby Lobby, ransacking their clearance section for anything bird related and then repainting it pink. There were birds everywhere, but these guys are my favorite.
Little birds in flowerpots, spelling Vivi. I'm going to put them on a shelf in her room.
And what did the birthday girl think of all this?
She was very pleased by all the birds! Vivi likes then just as much as I do, and wanted to cuddle and play with all of them, giving me a minor heart attack as many of them were quite breakable. Sigh.
And yes, she is in a swim suit. More on that later.
I love, love, love you, my little pink bird. I had a blast plotting out this party with daddy and hoping that someday, when you look back at the pictures, you will smile just as much as you did that day.