We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog to bring you some major news:
Vivi turned three on Saturday.
I can hardly believe it. She is growing up so fast. And we got to spend her birthday in the most amazing way. We attended the first annual Kael Man Run in Ames! Our friends have done something truly amazing and organized a 5 K fundraising run/walk in memory of their son. The proceeds will help fund adoptions for families who want to share their hearts with a child. It was truly, truly amazing to be a part of that outpouring of support. So, we got up bright and early to participate!
Grandma and Grandpa Otto, and Aunt Becky and Uncle Jake were able to make it as well, and they were all kind enough to walk with me, as I am still a little shaky in the ankle area (and let's be honest, a 5K probably wasn't in the cards, ankle injury or no, unless something really big was chasing me).
We had a blast, and it was an honor to be there for our friends. Vivi amused herself while we chatted by making friends of her own and feeding the fish in the adjacent lake.
When we got back to the hotel, we were in need of a cool-down. It's stupid hot in Iowa right now. So, we participated in another one of Vivi's favorite activities...
She spent most of the time jumping off the side of the pool and letting Daddy and/or Grandpa catch her.
She was loving it!
This makes me want a pool of our own...
Happy Birthday, sweet baby girl. I love you so much, and I cannot, cannot WAIT to celebrate with you on Saturday! I love you, small one.